Not all things are created Equal
I have been craving protein balls. Ever since I had been experiencing a reaction to a suspected Pea Protein I haven’t been able to enjoy these delectable morsels of protein goodness. Wanting for them I decided to make a batch using my go-to recipe using a Grass-Fed Whey protein powder I had bought… the results were less than ideal.
The lesson I learned is even though proteins powders may look the same, they do not perform the same way. Some have more binder or more fiber, less sugar or less ingredients. Each one is made unique for its own design and purpose.
The same can be said for us.
We are divinely and wonderfully unique. Not only do we grow up having different life experiences but we also have different bacterial living in our microbiomes, we are exposed to different chemicals over our lifetimes, eating different foods or similar foods but grown in different parts of this world. We have a unique epigenome effecting our epigenetics. Which, Epi - means above and genome- is all genetic information of an organism. The epigenome consists of chemical compounds that modify, or mark, the genome in a way that tells it what to do, where to do it, and when to do it. Different cells have different epigenetic marks. Epigenetics are affected by chemical and physical environmental stressors, diet, life habits, and pharmacological treatments can affect the epigenome during our lifetime.
Our epigenetics make us even more unique than our genetics make us. Your genetics are your road map for how your body functions, it says when your arm will grow, will that arm have hair or not, how will the muscles be formed on that arm. Epigenetics are a change in that map, its a road block or pot hole that could make you still get to our destination but maybe you have a flat-tire along the way.
While we can do what we can to repair any damages caused by environmental and lifestyle damages, we are still unaware of the long-term effects, the epigenetic effects, what changes are imprinted in your children’s DNA (should you have any).
I’ve gotten off topic. Point was, we are all vastly unique beyond our comprehension.
But as humans, we have a tribal drive to fit it and be like the rest of the tribe members. Problem is that living in conformity or trying to appease others does not lend for a life of personal fulfillment. In trying to be like others, we are trying to become something we are not. Imposters, inauthentic and not honoring who we were destined or epigenetically designed to be.
Having unique character traits (and health markers) that make us unique is our gift. It’s what steps us apart and it is our superpower. The path to fulfillment is to lovingly accept our traits and what makes us US then use them to create a life with more fulfillment. That is the role for us on this earth.
I always love to look to nature for guidance, our Mother Earth is the best teacher and all our lessons can be found in Thought of another way, using nature as our guide, each of us is a unique seed, some seeds are flowers, some seeds are trees, some are vegetables or fruits, and yes some are weeds. After seeds have been planted, they are in a state of growth until they can blossom and fulfill their intended purpose. They don’t look to their neighboring plant and compare themselves to them, they don’t wonder if they would be happier as something different, want to be a different plant. No, they are happy to be exactly the plant they are. They don’t dwell, they just live. Enjoying every moment of their days until the time comes when they need to drop their petals or fruit and begin the process of decaying.
The more love the seeds receives, from the soil the seed is planted in, the amount of nourishment it receives, water and sunshine, passing bees, the more beautiful the blossom is, regardless of the type of plant it is.
So be like a unique seed and give yourself love so you can grow into the beautiful blossom you are.