Got Inflammation? So now what?
Okay so you’ve figured out that your body is experiencing some inflammation. Now what do you do about it?
There are several, super simple (well, they can be) things you can to do that can turn your body around and having it feel amazing in as soon as 1 day. That’s all it takes for improvement to happen!! I mean how fantastic is that! Human beings are truly magical when you think about it. Anyway, here are the top options. Doing one will result in good results, add a couple and you’ll get better results. Do them all? Well, my friend that’s where you’re thriving.
1. Consume Clean Foods
This one is at the top because humans are consuming food multiple times a day. Every time we eat is an opportunity for healing to take place. The problem is most of todays foods are hidden with many toxins that most people are not even aware of. Things like rancid polyunsaturated fatty acids, glyphosate, lectins, casein, polyphenols, gluten, and MSG. Warning about these ingredients are not advertised on packaging or even publicized. Knowing where dangers lie I believe is crucial to managing your inflammation. Good news is, we are honing on what the common factors are for most people and it includes just about everything in the Standard American Diet (SAD).
What is a clean food? It is a food does not contain any potentially harmful ingredients/toxins.
Fresh Organic or Home Grown Produce
Grass-Fed Cows, Pasture Raised Poultry, Heritage Raised Pork, Wild Fish
Herbs and Spices
Unrefined and Stable oils (fyi some EVOO’s are cut with soybean oil to reduce costs).
Not adding more to this list is a cause of debates because some foods may not be toxic to one person while it is extremely reactive for another. You wouldn’t know which is which until you get down to the ground zero by engaging in an elimination diet. With this basic list above is you have everything you need to be fueled and nourished. Carbohydrates in the produce, protein in the animals, herbs for enhancing and fats in oils.
Click here for more about an elimination diet or my clean eating program?
2. Manage and Balance your blood sugar
This kinda goes hand in hand with eating clean foods however depending on your body, your blood sugar may also be sensitive to sweet fruits and starches.
There are two main hormones control our blood sugar, Insulin & Cortisol. When you eat, insulin is released to help manage your blood sugar levels, removing any access sugar to the liver for “processing.” When you haven’t eating or you are in a state of stress, cortisol is released to bring your blood sugar levels up. The issue arises when our blood is constantly and consistently flooded with sugar. Hormone signally and effectiveness gets gummed up and we store more fat in the process. You know that “hangry” feeling, that’s because of spikes and dips in your blood sugar which then results in more stress for our bodies to cope with.
My rule of thumb for sugar consumption is no more than 20-25g per day. Which may seem like a lot but when you are eating several meals a day, it can add up quickly.
3. Support your Microbiome
A healthy microbiome is the key to longevity, health and a highly happy body. The microbiome is the second brain. And with modern scientific advancements we have only recently been aware of the increasing number of different gut microbial specie. Turns out, our bodies are host to an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms from more than 500 different species according to Harvard Medical School. They are the inner-web of bi-directional connectivity to our brain though immune, endocrine and neuronal channels. Any alteration in their functionality causes significantly impacts to our being.
Eat a clean diet (eliminating allergic and reactive food
Consume foods with a high probiotic content (fermented foods like kimchi or sauerkraut, non-dairy yogurt, Kombucha, pickles, green olives, fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, natto)
Take a high quality probiotic daily. At least 3 billion which include some or all of the following Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and Bacillus.
Consume digestive enzymes to aid your bodies natural digestive process.
Just wanted ti add that I really love these discoveries because it the true clue as to how connected humans are to the planet. The evidence. In nature, there are ecosystems within every living organism. For example if you were to look at some tree bark, sometimes you’ll see moss growing too. This is the bacteria that live on its surface becoming visible to the naked eye. Just like inside of us, our skin too has its own ecosystem with helpful bacteria. The same is true for our internal environment. And the best way to help that external environment….walk barefoot outside or dig in the dirt! Yup, something so easy has tremendous benefits for our whole being.
4. Practice methods to manage Stress
This could be as simple as walking outside for 10-15 minutes a day or as complex as a hot yoga class but the intentional act of reducing your stress levels will have a dramatic effect on your bodies overall inflammatory status. I mentioned cortisol earlier and how it responses by increasing our blood sugar, well the biggest trigger for cortisol release is stress! Ever hear of Adrenal Fatigue? Anyway, today’s humans have so many micro-doses of stress each and everyday, often starting first thing in the morning when they look at their electronic device. But its okay because throughout the day there are actions we can take to tip the scale back into a well state.
The most studied & clinically effective methods.
Get outdoors- Just being outside has positive benefits on stress and bonus points if you walk or do an activity.
Meditation, Breathing or Mindfulness Practice - this is the one I find most effective for me!
Maintain a healthy diet (its that need for a clean diet again)
Engage in physical contact with a friend (hugs)
Consuming Adaptogenic supplements (ex. Ashwagandha, Licorice root, Tulsi/Holy basil) or Essential Oils (ex. Lavender, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot)
Get creative (sing, draw, paint, sculpt, dance, program, build…whatever activity resonates with you.
Get your body moving - Could be exercise but often this causes more stress to our insides. Yoga or an enjoyable sport
For more helpful suggestions visit here
5. Utilize Supplements to help reduce inflammation [1][2]
Born in ancient wisdom, then studied and proven that these herbs have positive effects to reduce our bodies overall inflammation,
Curcumin (aka Turmeric)- this is the safest and most powerful anti-inflammator available. Also used as a powerful painkiller it is effective for Arthritis, Digestive Disorders like IBS, pancreatitis and cancer.
Green Tea - particularly for arthritis/joint pain. It can also reduce inflammation of the digestive tract
White Willow Bark - Many studies have shown its comparable effect to aspirin, but with fewer side effects than aspirin.
Maritime Pine Bark (Pycnogenol) ..
Boswellia — also called Indian frankincense
Chili Peppers (Capsaicin)
Black Pepper (my favorite seasoning)
Resveratrol - It also protects against DNA damage and mutations.
Rosemary, Cloves and Cinnamon
6. Get some testing.
The best way to know you are improving or to verify complications even exist would be to get some testing done. And we are living in an age where at home testing is on the rise. There are limitations depending on your state of residence but most doctors can facilitate most testing needs.
Test for C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), which is a marker of inflammation. Also homocysteine levels to evaluate chronic inflammation.
Check for Vitamin Deficiencies. Most common for humans given todays SAD are Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc and B12.
Check your toxic load of heavy metals.
Test Adrenal function, hormone levels, immunoglobin provides for food reactions.
7. Minimize your exposure to factors that could cause/increase inflammation
This list could get really really long since they can come from dietary sources, environmental factors (mold, pollution, BPA, etc. ) and personal care products that contain additives that our bodied do not know how to metabolize. Anything that comes into contact with our body is absorbed within 26 seconds and if our body does not recognize it as nutrient it deems it a toxin. These toxins are what is causing damage to our insides in the form of inflammation. Read your labels. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, can’t pronounce it then it’s probably best to avoid it. For me, this was a huge wake up call because I put a lot of trust in the FDA and American Consumerism. When I started googling the ingredients on my SoftSoap bottle….well, it wasn’t good. So I encourage toy to ask yourself, can you really trust the manufacture of that product? Are they sourcing quality ingredients for the betterment of their customers or are they more concerned with their bottom line? Does this Brand have transparency? Does this Brand have values you align with. For mote and a complete list of potential sources.
So which one are you going to try first? I think the reason I love what I do so much is because regardless of how you may have acquired your inflammation, it can be assisted with quality nutrition. Whether its following a clean eating plan or adding supplements into your diet, food is medicine that we can use to feel better.