My heart

I think I need to start with you because it seems to me that maybe you might not really know why I am involved in all of this stuff. I know I had some preconceived notions before and these notions might be clouding your perception of me.

If you could please read this with an open heart, it would truly mean the world to me as I hope to clear the air of understanding.

First off, I am so full of love and I want to open other people up to the possibility that they may experience this love too. The love that comes from knowing yourself and how to best care for you and your family.

I have been woken up to the shackles of modern consumerism. Products on the shelves are not what we believe them to be. I can say truthfully before I started really looking at my products, the brands/labels, I was a blind trusting fool. I would buy personal care products with "natural" written on them because that is what I thought was "better for me." When really there is no definition for what they can label "natural", it's only a marketing campaign.

It's not "natural" for products to be filled with plastics and preservatives, Formaldehyde and Lead. Things that when they come in contact with our body create chaos and stress (everything our skin touches is absorbed within 26 seconds). Endocrine Disruptors, Phthalates and parabens that disrupt sex steroids in our bodies, minerals oils that sit on the surface of skin to prevent it to breath and detoxfy.

We really don't know what they are putting in these products and the FDA, our watchguard 1) doesn't know either before a product is brought to market and 2) doesn't care as long as the funding keeps pouring in. It is only after, when a product results in negative reactions and complaints are filed that they may get involved. The burnen truly lies on the consumer. Cuz that manufacturer, they are just a business that only wants to make a cheap product to gain the highest profit.

We think and believe these organizations are in place, looking out for us, protecting us. They are not! They are actually backed by the Pharmaceutical Industry -- mmmm it's also where they get several of these ingredients from too.

And the whole focus is to get and RETAIN customers.

Yes, some pharmaceuticals exist that are well and good, serving a purpose to maintain quality of life for our citizens BUT for the mass majority, the drugs customers are taking are the ones that are a direct result from the damages caused by their sister industries 1. the food industry and 2. personal care.

They will have people believe their comorbidities are a result of poor lifestyle choices "you drink to much soda" " You eat our too much" ``You didn't exercise enough" "You need to manage your calorie intake"

--- more like, we need to have access to foods that do not have chemicals that alter our internal bodies DNA and functioning. (cuz our grocery stores are another place that limits our citizens ability to access products free of harmful ingredients.

Meanwhile they are designing food products that not only cause injury to our bodies but also with addictive additives in them which make us want them even more! Ever try to not give your kids goldfish? Every try to eat just one Dorito? The combination of fat and sugar they use is a recipe for successful repurchasing.

sidebar > How do they cause injury? The grains they use are GMO's and sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and processed in extreme temperatures and using solvents that by the time we ingest our bodies hardly know what to do with it. It puts our bodies in a state of attack and wreaks havoc on our internal environment. Inflammation and toxic overal are rampant. Not to mention that food today is void of any quality nutrition. Vitamins and Minerals that allow our bodies to detoxify and work at its optimum.

Humans, we have a lot that we are up against without even knowing it!


Because we are only fed information that keeps us in fear, keeps us controlled and keeps them with all the power.

What I aim to do is educate people of the areas we should be cautious of, our consumptions. Yes I also provide some options but my goal is education to take back power in and over their lives! This is something that warrants a conversation, this is not something someone can just read a catalogue or newsletter to grasp fully.

I mean after you've had the experience for yourself, witnessing the knowledge for yourself. Like for example I've done this elimination diet right, I was empowered by learning what foods cause my body to feel like garbage (gassy, bloating, poor sleep, acne) and which foods really supported my health. That is giving me Power!

Knowing that seasonal allergies are just a result of consuming dairy without possessing a lactose enzyme to digest it properly (because your body stops making it after 5yrs old)! That is Power!

To know that you don't need to be on this health hampster wheel of commerce, That is Power!

Thing is, people do what they want. They will choose to do whatever they want. No One is going to pressure them to do anything they don't feel compelled to do, but they are owed, they deserve to know there is another way. That is my role as a messenger, as a seed spreader, a lover of all mankind.

This is where my heart is. I just want to give people the choice to choose for themselves

We are amazing creatures of divine design.

I know what we are capable of.

I want to encourage, I want to inspire, I want to empower them to live their lives to their fullest!! It is possible and they are worthy of it.

And with so much love, I reach out to these moms because there are children at home. I do this for them, they deserve better than what our society is currently giving them. Personally I believe, ANY potentially harmful foods/product/ingredient/substance should have a warning label. We deserve to know. If manufactures know something is potentially harmful or hazardous, let the consumer know, Let the consumer make the decision. People still smoke cigarettes right!! If I had known that Cheerios has more glyphosate per ounce than vitamin C (which they enrich it with) I would not have given it to my children when they were babies. I can't turn back time but I can wonder what if. What if I can prevent this from happening to another family?

What if what I say makes a difference in just 1 person's life.

What if.

That is why I do this.

So, thank you for allowing me to speak my heart to you. It was not easy for me to get to this place, for me to open up in this way to you. Not that it matters or that you care but I am proud of myself for sharing this with you. I hope you see me now.

And, if you still do not want to introduce me to anyone else in your life that may be a concerned mother or a person that cares about ingredients or labels or health or wellness or whatever that's totally fine. I hold no grudge or judgement, I love you all the same. You have already given me the lesson I needed to learn. I will continue on, blessing you and sending you love.