long hair

Theodore loves my hair long. 

He told me today that I should never cut my hair short again. And opinion his father also shares. 

Personally, I’m torn, I love both sides of me with my hair these different lengths. 

Shorter, which to me means younger, funner, easier (when in actuality it’s more work). Its energetic too, not so weighted down feeling. Airy 

Long hair, I am more serious. Mature and composed, my hair blowing ever so gently with the breeze, still bumping the corners with danger…for at any moment, the hair could snag and I’ll lose a strand.  At my age those strands seem limited. Not growing in as fast. I mean, If it didn’t need to happen, I wouldn’t want to lose a single one.  I desire to keep my hair full and lustrous.  I even went to the lengths of putting extension in for a period of time (spring).  I liked it yes, but my hair felt more of a hastle. 

> when i was learning how to wash that hair the steps took me a long time, I was partitioning it and taking such care.  I was told the more and better I take care of it, the longer the quality will remain (aka it will be healthy, my investment will be greater).

> > for the summer tho I had to remove it. it was not me, it’s just an extention of me. 

Right now, I am enjoying what it is in this moment. This “length.” I don’t want it darker or lighter, fuller or no. I love the cut too, I’m bot feeling ‘stuck’ with my hair as we tend to feel sometimes. 

Right now I am enjoying the flow and freedom the summer season gives my natural wave.

Marion Horan