Make time to Play
My daughter is your typical kid, wants to watch YouTube and be entertained all day. Well, that poses a problem because I notice when she watches a screen for more than 20-45 minutes she becomes irritable later on. I noticed this with my boys too, the longer they engage with their electronics the less the want to engage in real life.
I think we all do this in some way, right? As parents we use it as a way to achieve some ”quiet time” for ourselves. Today we have a plethora of educational apps to choose from so its not all “bad.” But all too often their attentions get drowned in the glow. When I tell my daughter no, she can’t watched it what does she do? She whines, “Buuuuuuutttt Mommy, I’m bored! “
Darling child, life is not always excitement. You do not always NEED to be entertained.
What you NEED" to do is find a way to occupy or entertain yourself.
And the longer you go without this practice of exploring and playing, the harder it becomes. It’s one of those downward spiral kinda things until it happens. You lose that connection to yourself and your inner child.
How do I know? Because that was me 5 years ago. Completely disconnected. I was overworked and exhausted that by the end of my day I didn’t want to make the effort. It was much easier for me to turn on the tv and zone out. As a SAHM I gave them all of me, I did everything for them and sure they brought joy but it wasn’t the play my soul desired. That wasn’t fulfilling enough for me because I was not generating the joy within myself.
Now, I’m not condoning TV, zoning out can be beneficial at times, it is a nice way to turn off our minds from constantly racing. But, just like when the kids have too much screen time, too much zoning out can be bad. You lose touch of what else brings you joy because you are only doing this one, numbing thing. And then it becomes a habit and habits are hard to break.
But I’m bored!!!!!!!!
When we get quiet, when we can be alone, in boredom is where we get to discover and reconnect what we like to do. What our soul WANTS to do. We discover what makes our soul spark. In boredom we have an opportunity. We can create and imagine. We can be free to explore parts of our brain that might not be exercised as much. We can play!
Go Play
Play spans multiple pillars of wellness. Not just Movement with Nutrition, Rest/Sleep and it also encompasses Emotional Wellness. But it is the best form of inner expression. If we can not play, we just won’t be able to be those happy souls we want to be. Even if you are doing all the other pillars well, if you do not have something in your life for creative expression, we are less fulfilled.
What is Play?
Merriam Webster defines Play lots of ways because it can have different meanings for different people. For example, in sports it could be “ a particular act or maneuver in a game:” We could play boardgames “the moving of a piece in a board game (such as chess).” With out loved ones it could be “amorous flirtation“ or “a move or series of moves calculated to arouse friendly feelings —usually used with make.“
The play I’m referring to is as a “recreational activity, especially : the spontaneous activity of children.“ However this is not limited to just children. ANYONE and I believe everyone is capable of play and actually we need this freedom of activity to be whole. We all have in inert desire and need to express ourselves.
And this is not just something you’er born with but an internal need to 1. release emotions and tensions 2. create and explore within our selves.
When we do not make time for these creative expressions, we’re not really in touch with what our soul desires to do (aka essential self, higher self, inner child). Problem is, as we were growing up, we constantly being told to “grow up,” “act your age” and some of us quiet these desires. In an office setting you have to be respectable, professional and horsing around (in some occupations) is condoned. In school you have to follow the rules and obey.
So when we hush out those desires too much, we tend to get lost and lose touch with the inner child at our core. This makes it even harder to connect with them later on. And when you’ve been lost for too long, a lot of negative reactions tend to happen.
Feelings of confusion, uncertain about how you are
Feelings of lack or unfulfillment
Feeling out of touch with others
Poor sleep and trouble focusing
Mood swings
But friends there is fantastic news!!! We can make this all better, if we make the effort to play!!!
Now if you are just getting back into it you’ll need some time to get reacquainted with your self and what your individual needs for play are. I recommend trying lots of different types of play modalities to see which one sparks the light insider of you. Another options is to sit in medication and quiet reflection of the activities that brought you joy in your youth.
Some of my favorite methods of play:
Dancing, singing, tickling my kids, running, practicing yoga, gardening, swimming, riding my Peloton, listening to music, coloring, dressing up or going shopping, being with my friends, playing boardgames, skiing, hiking, The list goes on and on because I try to incorporate play almost everyday. I’ve learned this is what my soul needs to be truly happy and well, I love feeling happy.
One thing to note is that when we only do one activity for play/stress for too long exercise when we are younger as a form of play, but over time it becomes less as effective at releasing those create needs, It becomes mundane and because we complacent in the activity. That’s when you need to shake it up, switch you play. Maybe take a new aerobic class or do your exercises outside. If you’re a runner, then it’s progressing in your activity. Maybe signing up for a 5k or Marathonn