If candy is Organic, does it make it Healthy?

Someone posted in a Facebook Group a question about these new candy’s that are starting to arrive in our grocery stores and asked the question…”Does this make it healthy? This is why people are so confused- I’M CONFUSED!”

What are your initial thoughts?


My thoughts were at least it doesn’t have glyphosate and other toxic chemicals (pesticides, GMO’s, artificial flavorings) .

and for that simple reason, yes it is “healthier.”

But for “Health” you do not want to grab one of these and think that just because it’s organic, its a good option to fuel your biologic functioning. It’s a treat, an indulgence that should be a treat only once in a while (like once a month).

But there is a bigger picture to be aware of. An issue that needs discussion.

Why is it a thing to have these indulgent foods to be “organic.”

What is in the traditional products that we need to be cautious of?

And Why do we need to pay a premium price to avoid those conventional ingredients / harsh chemicals?

Seeing these products aline the checkouts is a win for consumers. We vote with our dollar and when corporations see their profits turning towards organic providers, that causes them to shift. We are moving in the right direction and that gives me hope for what the next 10-15 years can bring.