Rainbow Swiss Chard


This amazing, superfood of flavonoid goodness has quickly become a weekly addition to our green consumption and I’m gonna share with you why and a couple great ways I’ve learned to prepare it so you can enjoy it too.

Whats So Good About it?

Well, come one just look at it! Its a rainbow 🌈 I have a little daughter and just saying rainbow in the title wins her over but of course there is more to it than that.

!. Dietary Fiber - 1 cup of cooked Chard provides 4g dietary fiber. Fiber fuels our guts and helps keep things moving along.

2. Rich in Vitamins;

  • Vitamin K 716% The RDA - Especially K1 which is essential for clotting and bone health.

  • Vitamin A 214% - Great for vision, immune system and helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work properly. 

  • Vitamin C 50% - Needed for protein metabolism and required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters;

3. Rich in Minerals;

  • Magnesium - Important for regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and making for protein, bone, and DNA.

  • Potassium - Needed for muscle contractions and nerve transmissions.

  • Phosphorus - Needed to make energy and carry out chemical reactions.

  • Iron - Essential for growth & development as its needed to make hemoglobin.

  • Zinc - helps immune system fight off invaders and with wound healing.

  • Copper - Helps maintain nervous & immure system, also needed for brain development.

4. Rich in Antioxidants! Especially the polyphenols; Collectively they provide anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, Anti-viral and anti-histamine benefits.

  • Quercetin > anti inflammatory powerhouse 

  • Kaempferol > prevents arteriosclerosis 

  • Rutin > strength & flexibility of blood vessels 

  • Vitexin > antiviral and antibacterial protection 

The health benefits are numerous and wide spread throughout the body, from assisting blood sugar levels to boosting brain development. Helping circulation and preventing stroke.

How Do You Make It?

Easy Peasy. Well I like to keep it as simple as I can cuz there is so much flavor in simplicity.

1- Remove greens from stems 

2- Chop stems into 1/4- 1/2 inch pieces 

3- Roughly chop the greens 

4- in a large pan, melt coconut oil over med high heat. Add 3 cloves minced garlic, 1/2 of an onion diced, and the chard stems . Sauté until tender ~4 mins. 

5- Add the greens, mix to combine and sauté until wilted ~ 5 more mins.You may need to add more oil if the temp is too high. You could also add 2 tbsp broth to enhance the flavor. Remove from heat. 

6- Squeeze a lemon atop to finish (balance the alkalinity). Don’t forget to salt & pepper too ✅

What else can you do with it?

Besides the obvious side dish there really is so much you can do. Enjoy it raw in a salad or as a green in a sandwich or wrap. You could also steam it, braise it or add it into a soups and/or casserole.

  • leftovers are great mixed with scrambled eggs

  • add the leaves/stems into your smoothie for an added nutrient punch.

  • Rub EVOO into the leaves and use it as a salad green