Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Recipe Makes: 12 Medium and 8 mini muffins
2 lemons*, zested & juiced *since we’re eating the skin choose Organic
2 eggs* *pasture raised are best
4oz Yogurt, (I use Coconut Yogurt to be dairy free, either Cocojune or Harmless Harvest)
2 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Raw Honey
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Cooked and Cooled Quinoa
1 Cup Almond Flour
1 Cup All Purpose Flour* (I always use Gluten Free and used this brand with great results)
1/2 Cup Vanilla Grass-Fed Collagen Protein Powder
1-2 Tbsp Prebiotic Fiber
2 Tbsp Poppy Seeds (can substitute for chia seeds or do 1 & 1)
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 - 1 tsp Sea Salt

How to:
Preheat oven to 350’ and line muffin tins. You could also make this into a bread/loaf but cooking time will be tripled.
Zest and Juice your lemons.
Melt Coconut Oil.
In a large bowl beat together 2 Tbsp lemon juice, eggs, coconut oil, yogurt, vanilla, honey. Stir in the lemon zest and quinoa.
In a separate medium bowl, combine and whisk together almond flour, all purpose flour, protein powder, fiber, baking powder, salt and poppy seeds.
Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients bowl, stir until fully incorporated and batter is formed.
Scoop batter into lined muffin cups.
Bake muffins for 23 minutes (20-25) until tops begin to golden. Remove and let cool.
Optional Fun Toppings:
Cut a lemon and and spritz juice on top for an added lemon zing.
Make a Glaze Drizzle: combine 1 tbsp lemon juice with 2 tbsp powdered sugar, You could stop there or add 1 Tbsp Tahini for some added protein and flavor.
Why are these Muffins so good? Aka Nutrient Dense
The use of Quinoa here in place of more flour helps to increase protein and fiber intake. When we have quality protein and fiber there is a delayed gastric emptying (lessened glucose spike) which allows your energy supply to remain steady and balanced all morning long.
The Prebiotic Fiber we added will be feeding your lower digestive system microbiome bugs so they are happy and functioning optimally.
Using Grass Fed Collagen Protein in place of conventional Whey protein ensures your body will not have any inflammatory casein responses.