What's Good 2023!
It’s been a beat since I put one of these newsletters. Firstly, I am sorry I was not showing up for you in the way in the way you had come to expect. Thing is, I had to take some time showing up for myself and my family. And thought I probably have squashed all the confidence and trust that I have build between our relationship, that was a sacrifice I needed to take.
See, so much of my 2022 lessons have fallen under the theme….” Once I know the way I don’t like something, I know how I’d like it to be and can make the decision to change it for the better.” and it takes time to sit with all the areas of your life where you do not like. Even exploring that idea, asking myself…. Mar, do you really like it this way? That is hard, that is work because it brings up feeling that, if I’m being honest, I don’t want to feel. Failure, regret, discouragement, insecurity, …. you know all those lower vibration ones. In a world where I want to be the light and sunshine for people, how was I being the sunshine for myself. That was 2022’s learning.
I am here writing this today because my heart wants me too. Not because I want more clients or followers but because it makes me happy to write and share this. And with so much love in my heart, TO KNOW THIS …. this is worth more than all the gold in all the mines. So secondly, Thank you. Thank you for allowing me the space I needed to become more authentic to who I am so I can serve this collective better. Thank you for allowing me to send this to you today, I hope you receive it with as much love and joy as it is written with.
What’s Good for the Mind - What’s the problem? No, What is the solution?
What’s Good for the Body - Strength Training
What’s Good for the Skin - Use Soap everyday?
What’s Good for the Spirit - Grounding
What’s Good for the Planet - Real or Artificial
Nutrition Corner - Immune System Support
GFT Mind - Focus on the Solution
We all have them….Problems. But how do we handle them? and What is the best way for your mind health?
Whelp its not focusing on the problem, its looking towards the solution.
You know that saying, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” When we are focused on the problem, them problem tends to completely envelop us. It becomes bigger and bigger each time we think about it. Maybe it was a little thing when first presented but over a weeks time that problem could now feel massive and we as a result, feel less capable of solving it. It might cause us to be more anxious or stressed, it could cause us to worry way more than it need. And most of all, when we focus too much on the problem, it can be difficult to even consider a way our, a solution.
When we focus on the problem, we tend to get more problems.
A better life and mind practice would be to focus on the solution. What the desired outcome can and will be.
“Focus on the solution, not on the problem.” Jim Rohn
“If you’re not apart of the solution, you’re apart of the problem.” African Proverb
“Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem.” Anonymous
“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins
“Every problem is a question trying to be asked. Every question is an answer seeking to be revealed.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith”
And yes, sometimes the solutions are not always obvious. It might take a bit of time to discover what you could even want a solution to be. But this doesn’t mean you can’t pursue some type of solution. If you are feeling stuck and can not see any options for a solutions then ask for help. Send a prayer to the divine for guidance and wait for the message to come. It may be subtle, an idea or something you hear someone say but I know you will get an answer. Ask and you shall receive. When you do, notice and hold it, it was meant for you. Maybe the best solution is to pray for a solution to come.
GFT Body - Strength Training
Note: me over the summer getting into the real strength building work. Notice the 12 & 15’s
To share something personal, it wasn’t until this past summer I really got intentional about increasing my strength training. I’m not talking about adding an extra modality into my workout routine cuz before this summer I WAS strength training. I’m talking about making the effort to choose heavy weight. Weight that kinda scared me, weight that I didn’t want to use (always opting for something manageable 5 lbs) but it was also weights that would actually take me out of my safe little comfortable spot with fitness. And ever since I did.. WOW, the change I feel now. Its not just the ability to pick something up that once used to scare me, its having more confidence, its having NO low back pain, its skiing 2 full days straight and feeling stronger on my body then I ever have!!
It’s because of these reasons why I am so fanatical about promoting REAL strength training. Using heavy weights to stress and exhaust the working muscles to create the change!
And…. More and more research studies are being published that confirm the positive health benefits of engaging in regular strength training and there is growing awareness of the importance of skeletal muscle (SM) in many physiological and disease processes, including the influence of aging on muscle wasting and the anabolic effects of physical training on muscle size:
Increased Muscle Mass & Improved Bone Density
Improved physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence
Improved cognitive abilities and self-esteem
Assist the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes by decreasing visceral fat, reducing HbA1c, increasing the density of glucose transporter type 4, and improving insulin sensitivity.
Enhanced cardiovascular health by reducing resting blood pressure, decreasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides, and increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Most respected health organizations agree, humans should;
Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. Moderate aerobic exercise includes activities such as brisk walking, biking, swimming and mowing the lawn. Vigorous aerobic exercise includes activities such as running, heavy yardwork and aerobic dancing.
Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise using a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions. Strength training can include use of weight machines, your own body weight, heavy bags, resistance tubing or resistance paddles in the water, or activities such as rock climbing.
So what exactly is “Strength Training?” It is the act of engaging muscles under tension/weight (metabolic stress) to promote hypertrophy (repair-growth). Sounds so scientific but its not, it’s our basic human function. We were created to move, build, hunt, run, climb, dance and so much of our daily interactions just are not any of these things. Move from one place to another yeah but not all day like our ancestors did all while building shelters and fires, tools, blankets, families and communities. Chasing a meal for miles at a time then bringing the animal back as a feast to share with our tribe. Our DNA wants and needs us to be pushing and pulling, squatting and lunging on a consistent and strenuous nature.
Before we get to far I hear you… “Mar I go to the gym, I workout.” But I wonder how much of your time are you dedicating to lifting something heavy? Doing something that is a real challenge? Pushing yourself to your Max? …. Oh? Now we are getting somewhere.
GFT Skin - Don’t Use Soap everyday
Why? Because you could be damaging your skins very delicate ecosystem. Yes you herd that right, your skin surface is home to a whole host of organisms all designed to keep your skin supple and hydrated, keep your skin protected from the elements and invading bacteria, provide your skin with the nourishment it needs to stand strong as the greatest protective barrior to the outside world.
Well what happens when you damage that ecosystem? There exist many external factors are proven to alter the ecosystem of our skin with resulting changes in microbial populations. Environmental factors include temperature, humidity, salinity, and light exposure. Host factors include age, sex, immune status, hospitalization status, hygiene, use of medications (antibiotics, steroids), use of soaps and cosmetics, and presence of trauma. Activities that seem trivial to us, such as taking a shower, may be the equivalent of a hurricane to the microbes inhabiting the skin, with changes in landscape and population structure.
If we are washing our skin everyday, well, that doesn’t exactly sound like a synergistic relationship, more like hey thanks for everything you do not get off of me you icky bug. I took a really deep dive into some research about the topic, what history and what current skin experts think about bathing daily with soaps and what is the best course of action.
GFT Spirit - Grounding
What is Grounding?
Is it where you lay on the ground and hug the Earth? Well, it certainly can be for some people. Grounding is the act of connecting your body, mind and spirit together. It means to embody yourself as a being. To be present in your body that is connected to the ground/Earth where you sit/stand and take up space. For me, it’s more creating a connection within a physical dimension with which all life operates and it makes me feel better.
But what is grounding… You know the moments when tensions start to rise, you feel over-whelmed, all over the place, confused, unsure what to do or panicked? Grounding can/will help you recenter within your body to create a space of peace and calm, we feel back home and safe. When we have this calm we can engage all aspects of our life better and make more appropriate decisions.
Here is a quick list of helpful grounding techniques you can do (based on your zodiac element type) to have you feeling centered, confident and ready to take on the world.
The Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Grounding for Fire Types: Have you noticed how much you love being by a campfire? Watching the burning flame will bring you peace and inner calm. Those fires a limited but you can achieve the same at home by lighting a candle, burning incense or smudging with sage. Lighting a match and watch the flame dance then dance a moment yourself feeling alive and vibrant.
The Air Signs are : Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Grounding for Air Types: Being of the air you want to feel the wind, that may mean climbing a tree to get up high or going to the roof of a building. It could also be opening your car window are you are driving home and feeling the air tussle your hair over and away. Singing is especially helpful, getting your lungs breathing and pushing the air out with some sweet melodies. Do you have any wind chimes hanging outside? These can be therapeutic elements for you, as the wind is the life force behind them.
The Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Grounding for Water Types: Splish-splash get in the bath! Immersing yourself in water in any way. Wash your hands, dip your feet in a babbly brook or stream. Getting near a body of water and watching the waves or current flow gently down. Waterfalls are especially beneifital in times of turbulance as you can see how strong water can truly be.
The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Grounding for Earth Types: Though our set point is already heavily stable it is important and we get outdoors as much as possible, allowing for touching with bare feet and bare hands in the dirt. Digging holes or my favorite tending to a garden, whatever we can do FEEL the earth. Indoor potted plants and greenery are a must also stones or pebbles in a vase for you to touch and handle.
GFT Planet - Real or Artificial
I hope you know the answer is always going to be real. Anything real is 10000% better for our bodies but what about for the planet? After hearing a radio ad for a new book called ““How to Eat Your Christmas Tree ” I sought out to find out. Are Real Christmas Tree’s better than Artificial ones?
Nutritionist Corner:
Its that time of year again when the sunshine isn’t out as long, the colder temps have us bundled up and inside warm by the fire and our immune system is especially taxed with viruses, dry air and cold. Our immune system is highly intelligent and constantly functioning things that perform its operations so seemlessly. It is contantly giving to us, making sure invaders stay out so while its working hard to fend for us, lets give it some love to allow it to work just a little easier.
Adding these simple things to help support your immune system during this cold season:
Support your microbiome (70% of immunity is made in the GUT) by adding fermented foods like Sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir. Course you could also take a probiotic too…. but only if its 1. spore based (to pass thru stomach acid) and 2. in conjunction with a prebiotic (which is food for the probiotics).
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Aspartame and saccharine as they are highly reactive in inflammation causing. Basically your body foes recognize it and doen’t know what to do with it so it attacks making more work for you immune system.
Bet you could increase your Dietary Fiber. Not only is Fiber a superfood for your microbiomes little bugs but it also keeps digestion rolling along. Children and adults need at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day for good health, but most only about 15 grams a day. How much are you getting? Tracking your intake for 3 days should give you an good indication.
Eat a variety of nutrient dense fruits and berries that are loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols not to mention vitamins and minerals.
Are you taking a Vitamin D3/K2 supplement yet? Cuz you should. Vitamin D levels are always chronically depleted in northern American citizens and this vitamin is crucial for the immune system. To add, supplementing with Magnesium allows for the complete utilization and optimization of Vit D. These two work together! In fact, Recent studies have shown that if a person is deficient in magnesium, no amount of Vitamin D3 supplementation will allow a patient to realize the health benefits of adequate Vitamin D. Magnesium is a critical factor in making Vitamin D bioavailable. Without magnesium present, Vitamin D is stored in the body and not used. So take them in conjunction for the best recipe for immune system success! What ratio? For adults your safe with Vit D3 between 15 - 100 mcg/day (600 -4000 IU)- and Magnesium 350 mg/day.
For more references on how to support or up-level your immune system check these out:
Post & Podcast How To Upgrade Your Immune System To Fight Viruses And Prevent Disease by Dr Mark Hyman
Podcast The Evolution Of The Immune System, Viruses, & Modern Science – With Dr. Zach Bush by The Model Health Show
Podcast 8 Clinically Proven Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System In The Age Of COVID-19 by The Model Health Show
Post How to boost your immune system by Harvard Health