What's Good November
Latest Thoughts in Personal Growth
Good for the Spirit
Good for the Belly
Good for the Mind
Good for the Body (the Nutritionist Corner)
Good for the Wallet
November contain, the Scorpio New moon, Veterans Day, 11/11 Gateway, Beaver Moon with a Lunar Eclipse, Thanksgiving, to name a few and I can attest that there are some heavy energies that are shifting themselves to help us push into the greatest version of ourselves!
Speaking of getting to the greatest versions of ourselves.... I am one of those people that was not always gung-ho on development. I would happily marinate on an idea and wait for the time to be "right." I even started my Arbonne Business that way. I decided to sign-up but then I waiting all summer, preparing myself until the time was, you guessed it "right." After I attended a training it hit like a ton a bricks, "What was I waiting for!?!?" And knowing myself, I was waiting for a sign, any sign that would give me the reassurance to push me into action. Of course, those signs never came. And I never felt like doing it and was putting it off. I can see how I do this with other aspects of my life and also I know I'm not alone. We all do this. It's #totallyhuman
We wait until we "feel like it" which, speaking from personal experience, we usually NEVER feel like it. Sure sometimes while talking to someone we get excited, but as time moves on the moment of inspiration is over and fear and doubts kicking in. Then those great intentions get left in the dust until we feel inspired again.
What I have learned is, doing it is a choice. It's a decision. It's an action. Its something that needs to be made with your head, not your body (feelings). I say made with your head because you know its going to be "worth it" over time. For example, much of my daily routines (workout, meditation, outreach) I am doing them so I CAN feel like doing other things I don't feel like doing😆. Sounds fantastic right? Really! I usually don't feel like getting out of bed early but I make the choice to do it because I like how I feel afterwards. I don't feel like lifting heavy weights and getting sore but I love how strong and powerful it make me feel afterwards. I don't always feel like eating a healthy dinner when I could just as easily have take out or ice cream but I choose the balanced meal because how it will make me feel afterwards. When I feel better afterwards I'm more apt to make other better choices that lead me towards a better version of me!
So I'd like to ask, do you usually wait until you're ready? Until you "feel like it." Whether its saving money for next years vacation or "feel like" starting a healthy habit or "feel like" having the difficult conversation or waiting for the sign to take the next step towards the dream life you've always wanted. Do you want to change it?
Stop waiting. Make the decision and then make a small step towards it.
After-all, the only thing wasting is time.
Are you ready to move towards the greatest version of yourself?
Ever jam out in the car?
To me jamming out in the car looks like turning on your favorite song for three minutes and 43 seconds closing your eyes and being completely lost in the music.
Jamming out means connecting to your body trusting your intuition no one is watching you you are alone in this moment in time free to allow whatever needs to be allowed. Free to move whatever needs to be moved. Maybe you’re pumping your shoulders maybe you’re twitching your hips. Maybe you’re waving your arms or flopping like wings. Punching the sky punching your fist at the thing that has cursed you. Releasing anger releasing frustration releasing what ever pent-up emotion your human brain didn’t allow you to feel earlier and is holding you back.
Jamming out in the car is my solitude
It is my comfort and salvation
I am safe
I am free
I can be me, unabashed and fully loving me.
Best part I have lots of opportunities in the day to do it... much to the rolling eyes of my kids.
Current favorite jam out song:
Makeba by Jain
Runners up are anything by Dua Lipa, One Kiss by Calvin Harris, (when feeling a little angry then its Trouble's Coming by Royal Blood), Waiting on A War by Foo Fighters
I'm open to finding some new ones, what do you like to jam out to?
Clean Sheppards Pie
Leek with Bacon & Mushrooms
Skillet Apple Crisp
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole
Sweet Potato Hummus
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
The Best GF Gravy
Turkey Mini Loafs with Roasted Brussels & Sauted Greens
The Human Upgrade Podcast: You Control Your Own Karma with Sadhguru
Have you herd of Sadhguru? I have been following his teachings ever since I stumbled across a talk he gave on YouTube. His message and simple and clear and encouraged that you do have the power within you. In this podcast with Dave Asprey, he shares "The most important thing is human being should rise to the highest possible thing they could be in their lives. That is the most important thing because these lives are so short. "
The Quote of the Day Podcast : Episode 1285
Brené Brown: “Where We Struggle with Perfectionism, We Struggle with Shame.”
Anything with Brene Brown is a win for me! I just love her way of conveying understanding around the sensitive subjects with a gentle approach to what we are all wanting, human connection. In this quick snippet, she shares "We have the ability to rewrite that indicates how are stories if we have the willingness to acknowledge them. We get to rewrite the endings of our story if we’re willing to walk into them and own them. It’s a powerful thing."
Take a listen and share your take aways with me.
You want to increase protein intake and love egg. Is there a limit to the number of eggs you should eat a day? Could I have a 3 egg breakfast and then a couple of hardboiled eggs throughout the day for a snack?
Thoughts from Your Nutritionist:
While eggs are wonderful nutritionally, high protein, low carb and low calorie diet that may help some people manage weight. And since science has de-bunked the whole “eggs are bad for cholesterol” myth with no correlating evidence that links eggs increase in total plasma cholesterol. If a person wants to optimize overall health and body function, using as your sole source of protein is unwise because a variety of proteins sources provide alternative amino acids and accessory nutrients.
More About Eggs:
One egg has ~75 calories, 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat. Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and iodine. They also contain vitamin A, folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus and choline, along with iron and carotenoids that provide of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin.
With all these nutrients, much of the quality of the egg depends on the diet the hens ate. Before man got involved, Chickens were foraging around, eating a mixed (omnivorous) diet of plants, insects and other small creatures.
But today, your typical grade-A egg is given a feed that is high in omega-6 fatty acids (from commodity crops like that in soy & corn). And “cage-free” not much better, they are often logged in a room, “free range” is basically foraging on cement. Yes, you can get omega3-rich eggs from chickens that have been fed flaxseeds and other omega-3-rich foods. But the best of the best when chickens that are pasture raised.
Redistributing your traditional box store spending back into a store that you own, that sells 100% botanical, sustainably sourced and result driven products that make supporting your health, beauty and overall well being easy and that you could EARN MONEY BACK on.... yes please!
This month take advantage of Arbonne's recent promotion and start your business for free. Save $49 with a qualifying purchase AND receive a free gift when you register as an Independent Consultant! Take this as a sign join our community because you never know, it could be the opportunity you've been waiting for. more info on IC Benefits
Not interested in the best discount or building an income, Arbonne is also extending last months promotion of Waived Registration for new and renewing Preferred Clients, saving $29 with a qualifying purchase AND you'll also receive a free gift. more info on PC Benefits
Either way it's a win win. Shop and save 30-50% or save $20-40%, the choice is your's. Both come with a full 90-day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee I'm here to help guide you to make the best decisions to optimize your Arbonne experience.
I have been enjoying and loving each of these new products for 2 weeks and I absolutely love them! Tart Cherry is tart and tasty and the Protein literally takes exactly like a Raspberry Truffle would. I don't know how they do it but I'm sure glad they do 😆.
That's all for now folks.
Look forward to an end of the month newsletter! Trying to do these twice a month. It's a nice challenge and I know I probably wont feel like doing it, but I know doing so will move me closer and closer to my goals so yeah, totally worth it!