What's that thing called, oh yeah, Brain Fog

OMG the Brain Fog I endured after my babies seemed like eternity.   I thought I’d never get my brain firing on all cylinders again.  A constant state of brain sluginess. That was normal right? I’d forget why I went into a room, forget my train of thought half way though and my classic, I’d forget where I put my wallet as I was holding it in my hand.

In the clinical sense, brain “fog” is a constellation of symptoms that include reduced cognition, inability to concentrate and multitask, as well as loss of short and long term memory. 

I didn’t realize ALL the factors that were contributing to it, and most of all I didn’t know I could do something about it. I just thought, this is a normal part of  aging and having kids #Babybrain . NOPE, it wasn’t until I eliminated all the noise, or rather, the stress my body was encountering on the daily was I able to gain more mental clarity. 

So what was it?

The biggest factor I see for Brain fogs is inflammation.  Inflammation from 1. Consuming foods that cause damage to our microbiome (inflammatory foods or those that contain toxic particles (ie. Round-Up/glyphosate, preservatives, artificial compounds)) 2. Consuming / absorbing another form of toxic particles  (personal care products that contain preservatives, plastics or other bad for you ingredients).  Both  of which cause microbiome dysbiosis. Healing my gut had a DRAMATIC effect on my body and overall brain function and now we have scientific research to prove it!  Like this study This one

To a lesser degree, the other factors for brain fog include: 

  • Chronic stress (Adrenal Fatigue)

  • Lack of quality sleep

  • Diet (poorly regulated blood sugar, insufficient nutrients, imbalance of Omega-6 & Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

  • Leaky Gut

  • Hormonal changes (which often are a result of the above mentioned inflammation)

  • Heavy Metal toxicity (mercury , lead,

  • Chronic Mold exposure

What can you do?

  • Become more aware of the ingredients you are choosing to consume on a daily basis and remove any products/foods that could be impacting your brain function. Searching the EW.org database for each ingredient to ensure its safety for your person.

  • Perform an elimination diet to become aware of how the foods you’re choosing to consume effect your body.

  • Consume real whole food including organic produce, pasture raised poultry, heritage raised pork or grass fed beef to minimize toxic exposures.

  • Be mindful of sugar consumption and how it effects your overall wellbeing, aiming for no more than 25g/day.

  • Prioritize stress reduction techniques (meditation, mindfulness, walks in nature, lymphatic stimulation, utilize adaptogens and herbal remedies).

  • Prioritize sleep, 7-8 hours is necessary.

  • Consume quality supplements to enhance brain function (Lions Mane, Omega-3 with DHA, B-Vitamins (B9 folic acid, B6 and B12), Choline, Phosphatidylserine, magnesium, vitamin D3, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and there are many more

  • Engage in light to moderate physical activity at least 10 minutes a day preferably outside.

  • Seeks a functional medicine practitioner for assessing your bodies mold / heavy metal exposures.

For more  information, check out these well respected sources









Marion Horan