A Secret Symbol to Love
Two years ago I was listening to a podcast in which the host was talking about how to create more signs of love in your life. She shared about the book, The Secret, which I was very familiar with having listened to several years prior. If you are unfamiliar with The Secret…. stop we need to have a chat! I love this book. It was where I learned about the first universal spiritual laws, The Law of Attraction!! You know, Like attracts like! At the core, Rhonda Byrne shares the message that “everyone has the ability to create their own reality.” That our thoughts create the conditions in which miracles happen. Thinking about a blue car, BOOM blue car’s appear everywhere. To learn about the science behind why this works, check out more on our reticular activating system (RAS).
Anyway, there is a chapter in the book talks about creating a Secret Symbol for yourself to serve as physical evidence of the force of love. Humans, we need to see things in order to believe them, we can’t get by on faith alone. So by assigning yourself a symbol, you create a visual reminder that god’s love is with you. Whenever you see or hear the symbol, you know that the force of love is with you.
Some wonderful options are:
Shapes - Hearts, Starts, Diamonds
Bright lights - when light reflects into your eyes
Incepts - LadyBugs, Bees
Animals - Birds like Cardinals or Blue Jays
Nature - Rainbows (this is mine 🌈 ), Trees, Flowers,
Sounds - Wind Chimes, A Breeze, a special song
Numbers - your favorite number, or 11:11 is a powerful one
To share a little of why I think this is so powerful is because I have seen how powerful it can be in my life. I still remember the first time I saw my symbol (after declaring it). I was outside at the top of my driveway and in a puddle, by chance there it was! It came to me like a flash and when I needed it. You know those times, when maybe you’re feeling in a slump…. kids are crazy, not sleeping well, emotional roller coaster, negative self-talk on full alert… you know the times. I gotta tell you, all it took was seeing one chance rainbow to reassure myself that I am okay. I am loved. And I had this tool come to me at a very pivotal point in my self-love life Journey. I was getting frustrated about where I was, I was exploring more about faith, what having faith means and trying to find more reminders of what faith can look like. I’m not talking faith in believing in an all mighty super-god, more to have faith in knowing everything is love. To know that the universe always has my back, that it is always working for me, not against me. Things will happening FOR my greater benefit… what? That is a belief of mine that has been cultivated with love. Because every-time I need a reminder, every-time my faith starts to waiver, I see a rainbow and am reminded of how much I truly are loved. That rainbow was sent for me to see. I am that loved! We all are. We all have this energy within us and sometimes we need a physical symbol to remind ourselves. #sohuman The world is designed to make you forget it. The great powers that be would have you be separated, disconnected, fearful, mind numb and following their plan. My hope is that you can use this tool, to remind yourself of what you are and what is within you at every moment you are living and breathing. LOVE.
Use this symbol to find faith back to love.
Bonus tool: Take a picture every time you see your symbol. when you are needing a reminder, you can look back over all your pics to see how truly loved you are.
One more thing to share, if you can get your family and children into this tool too. Why? Because your kids light up whenever they see your symbol. Mine do. They want to show me or tell me about a rainbow they saw. We take pictures and I get to remind them that this is god telling you, he loves you.